张婉秋 怀恋水苑





    日子简单的重复着,没有起伏,也少波澜,或许是自己的心开始老了,认为一切变故都不再新鲜。偶尔去学校走走,算是调剂,可从前爬得轻松的山路,现在开始几步一喘,爬上山顶时已经岔了气,汗流得满身满脸了。吹着山风,望着海面,有眩晕的感觉,半是疲累,半是喜欣。拾级而下,山花依旧烂漫,蝴蝶旁若无人的群舞群翩,只是没有人攀折和追逐,它们的美更多了些自由和慵懒,更让人留恋。久违的图书馆,从前每每捧本书跑到四楼有阳光的角落里睡得香甜,偶尔会睡到闭馆,被回家的乐曲声吵醒,赶紧收好被口水湿了大片的书溜出来,怕老师责难。初秋的晚风凉凉的,月亮和星子清清亮亮的,叶间偎依着跳慢四的旋铃,满地是如凌乱足迹的瘦瘦的枫叶和凋落却一如含苞的木槿,空气里满是潮水的咸苦气息,开残的紫薇花飘忽不定的香气,初开的各色的雏菊混合着泥土和露水的清新味道…… 现在想来,那一切都美得不可思议,现在没有机会晚上去学校走走,我想这里还是一如既往的美,只是这美似乎与我或有同感的我们少了些关联,此时倒是希望这样的校园是铁打的,虽然我们流走了,但怀恋的东西还在,思念和向往便有了相遇的机会,你,我,他,纵然天南海北,纵然忘却彼此,却不会忘记这个曾经起跑的美丽的起点,也会偶然回眸,遥望这美丽起点的同时听见曾经回响在耳边的 欢声,怒语,悲泣,叹息,鼓励,慰藉……看见那纯真的笑容,绯红的脸颊,惋惜的,深情的,俏皮的,惶恐的眼神,手臂和额上的青筋,那带着脉搏的鲜血,手指上的水疱,缺角的三角板,用钝的圆规,发黄的布满细小孔洞的零号的一号的三号的图纸……如此,如此,这般,这般,我不得不承认,这一切还是鲜活的,你,我,他原来都不曾走远……

    Days repeated, no ups and downs, or fluctuations, perhaps the heart is getting old, all changes bring no surprise. Occasionally walk to our campus, as a relief, but the hills we have easily ran up, now getting too difficult to climb, finally arrived at the top panting and covered in sweat. Bathing in the mountain wind, looking out at the sea, a bit dizzying, half tired, half elated. Stepping down, mountain flowers are still in full bloom, a swarm of butterfly dance beautifully regardless of someone is around, without people picking up or chasing after them, their beauty become so freely and peacefully, attracting people to linger on. The long-lost library, on the fourth floor, where I used to hold a book, hiding in the sunny corner sleeping soundly, until waked up by the Going Home melody, quickly put away the book wet by saliva and slipped out, afraid of be caught by the librarian. The breeze of the early autumn is cool, the moon and the stars are clear and bright, between the leaves are the spinning bell of sycamore leaning and dancing blues, the thin maple leaves covered the ground like the messy footprint, breathing the air filled by salty bitterness of tide, erratic aroma of hibiscus, the mixture smell of first blooming daisies, fragrance of earth and dew... Remaining fresh in memory till now…Now, don’t have a chance to visit again , I believe everything is still incredibly beautiful, only the beauty I ever embraced or for those who feel the same way is out of connection with us, hopefully this campus is made of steel, although we have run out, but the yearned things are still there, to allow the thoughts and aspire to have chance to meet, you, I, he or she, even we strive all over the country, even we forget each other, but will not forget this beautiful starting point we started out, when occasionally look back, recalling this beautiful starting point, at the same time, the ear and heart echoing the voice of joy, laughter, tears, sighs, encouragement, comfort...... before the eye emerging the faces of pure smile, the flushed cheeks, the regretful, affectionate, playful, fearful eyes, the veins on arms and forehead, the blood with pulse, the blisters on fingers, the triangle with the missing Angle, the blunt compasses, the number zero, number one, number three mechanical drawings full of tiny holes... Such and such, thus and thus,  I have to admit, all this is still alive, you, I, he or she are never leave far away...